Light Color vs. Work sample Color
As there is a wide range of different work sample types, there are also many different colors in the work samples. Corresponding to the various colors of the work samples, there are different LED light colors, even within the same range of lights. We can see the relationship between the color of a light and the work sample color in the example on the card below.

Photography Conditions
- Background:Orange
- First C:Red
- Second C:Green
- S:Blue
- Letter shadows and Japanese characters :Black
The letters on this card represents our company name, CCS, which are colored in red, blue and green respectively. How will they change if each of red, blue and green light is irradiated at this card?
Image viewed under Red LED Light
If red LED light irradiated, the red colored 'C' and the background becomes white.
The other colors, green and blue are seen as gray color (Black shadow remains unchanged).
Image viewed under Green LED Light
Image viewed under Blue LED Light
If red LED light irradiated, the red colored 'C' and the background becomes white.
The other colors, green and blue are seen as gray color (Black shadow remains unchanged).
Image viewed under White LED Light
White LED light contains three primary colors (red, blue, and green). If the brightness of color is the same, they all look in gray with the same brightness.
If you see the card, 'Image viewed under white LED light', the brightness varies, but the difference in color is unclear compared with other cards.
Generally, white LED light is being used when using with a color camera or work object has various colors. It is because peculiarity can be taken by reflection of light, without being influenced by color itself.
Thus, changing the lighting color by the object color enables the interesting part to be emphasized more and to be seen more clearly by adjusting the object color to black or white range.
As in the example above, CCS uses the different light colors to suit the various work sample colors and to provide a stabilized, contrasting image.
Example of workpieces which don't relate to the emitted color
Imaged sample workpiece
Metal (bearing)
Imaging with Blue
Imaging with Green
Imaging with White
Imaging with Red
There are great differences in imaging results depending on the shape of the Light Unit, emitted color, illuminating method and similar conditions.
Please inquire with CCS so that we can use our vast knowledge and experience to help you with imaging.